Zappi charger won't...
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Zappi charger won't charge with surplus solar.

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Correct me if I’m wrong, but how do we get a better integration with IOG and Zappi to be able to let the car charge from excess solar or the grid without having to disable the integration in the App each time. Surely they can add a time range where excess solar takes priority? The iog charging at night is great, but having to explain how to disable integration and reconnect afterwards (to my better half) seems like a bad design! Please just limit iog to non daylight hours and let the Zappi do its thing if the sun comes out.

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You don't have to, for us it's working fine. You do need 1.4kw minimum surplus to start charging, so when your panels are producing 800w of surplus your car won't charge.

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must check, do you have PIN code enabled? Didn’t work for me last week when Sun was out and surplus on eco+ and 2-3kw surplus. Sat there saying waiting for surplus and did nothing.

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Do you have your Zappi or car integrated with IOG? It could be when your car is connected it doesn't work well. The charger should as long as it is set to ECO+ put the surplus in the car. If the car is connected to IOG it could be that the car is refusing the surplus charge.

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Zappi, eco+ all of the time, no settings on car or Zappi to charge. Folks saying it works for them so I need to investigate more.
