Home News Big Businesses Go Electric: 630,000 EVs Join Electric Fleets
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Big Businesses Go Electric: 630,000 EVs Join Electric Fleets

by WattDriven
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A new report reveals how leading global businesses are driving the shift towards electric vehicles.

A new report from the Climate Group’s EV100 initiative shows major companies stepping up their game when it comes to electrifying their fleets. We’re talking a huge shift – over 630,000 cars and vans globally have ditched gas guzzlers for cleaner, greener electric models. That’s across a whopping 71 different markets.

The EV100 initiative brings together some of the world’s biggest fleet owners, encouraging them to go all-electric. And these businesses aren’t just talking the talk – the report reveals that in the past year alone, they’ve added a staggering 231,000 new EVs to their fleets. That’s a 57% increase compared to last year!

Businesses Show Their EVs the Green Light

But it’s not just about the cars, EV100 members are showing serious commitment to building the infrastructure needed to support a future of electric transport. Over 35,000 EV charging stations have been installed at a massive 3,442 locations worldwide. That’s over half of the total charging stations these businesses have pledged to install!

To keep up with their bold plans, EV100 members want to see a total of 5.45 million electric vehicles in their fleets by 2030. The Climate Group is calling on car manufacturers to step up their game and offer more affordable EV options for businesses.

From a Spark to a Movement

The EV100 initiative has come a long way since its beginnings back in 2017 with just 10 founding members. Today, it boasts an impressive 128 EV pioneers who are determined to make electric transport the norm by 2030.

“Companies are really leading the charge when it comes to electric vehicles. Each year, we see more and more ambitious targets, and that’s turning into more and more EVs on the road,” says Sandra Roling, Director of Transport at the Climate Group.

And it’s not just ambition – the report shows that businesses are taking action. “But we still have a lot of work to do if we want this electric revolution to be truly global. Policymakers need to get on board with creating supportive environments for EVs in less developed markets,” Roling adds.

A Sustainable Mission

EV100 members see the switch to electric as key to creating cleaner, healthier communities. As Karen Pflug, Chief Sustainability Officer at Ingka Group (IKEA) puts it, “Electrifying our delivery fleet is a vital part of meeting our customers’ needs and building a better future. We’re committed to all of our home deliveries being made by zero-emission vehicles by 2025.”


JamesR 15 April 2024 - 14:27

I think that big companies like IKEA should lead the way and give the example!

Jaaaag 15 April 2024 - 14:37

I totally agree on that!


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