Home Charging Jaguar IPACE Smart Charging Disabled: Owners Frustrated, Here’s a Workaround
Jaguar IPACE

Jaguar IPACE Smart Charging Disabled: Owners Frustrated, Here’s a Workaround

by WattDriven
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Jaguar’s recent security-driven change leaves IPACE owners without smart charging. Here’s how to regain control of your EV charging costs.

What Happened to the Jaguar IPACE Smart Charging?

Jaguar recently made the decision to disable a key feature in their Jaguar IPACE EV – the ability to use smart charging services with Octopus Energy’s Intelligent tariff. For those unfamiliar, smart charging allows EV owners to schedule charging during off-peak hours when electricity is cheaper. Jaguar’s justification was a need to address potential cybersecurity and data protection vulnerabilities.

While Octopus Energy always clearly communicated that the smart charging integration with the Jaguar IPACE was a beta program, and beta programs are inherently subject to change or even discontinuation as companies refine their products and services, both Octopus Energy and Jaguar could have done a better job of communicating this information. Ideally, the communication should have been more transparent and well in advance of the change, not just a couple of days ahead of time.

IPACE Owners React (and It’s Not All Anger)

As expected, the news has sparked a wave of reactions online. While there’s certainly frustration, a deeper dive into social media and forums reveals that disappointment seems a more accurate description of the prevailing sentiment.

  • “Disgruntled, for sure. But cybersecurity is paramount. Hopefully, they’ll develop a secure solution quickly.”
  • “The lack of clear communication from Jaguar is the worst part.”
  • “Luckily, I have an Octopus-compatible charger, so I’m unaffected. Still, it’s a bother for others.”

Jaguar’s Official Response

Jaguar has released a statement explaining their decision:

“As a manufacturer of the Jaguar IPACE, we are responsible for the performance and safety of our vehicles and provide a warranty for this. We are not able to test, approve and warrant the safety and security of unauthorised third-party access to our vehicles and its data…We are working to develop authorised solutions to smart home and energy services as quickly as possible.”

The Workaround: It’s Not Ideal, might need a investment, but It Works

While we await an official, secure solution from Jaguar, there are ways to regain some control over your IPACE charging schedule:

  • Check your Jaguar IPACE’s built-in charging scheduler. The car does have a scheduling function. Consult your owner’s manual or browse the car’s infotainment system menus, you can set charging times to coincide with your energy provider’s off-peak hours. The downside is that the hours that you can use off peak electricity is shorter than Octopus Intelligent Go when you choose the regular Octopus Go tariff.
  • Use a smart charger. Chargers like the Zappi are compatible with the Octopus smart tariffs and let you set charging schedules directly from the charger or its associated app. However, this is an additional investment, and it’s important to consider your electricity usage patterns and the cost of the charger to determine if this solution makes financial sense for you. Speak to your energy provider about any incentives they may offer for smart charger purchases and factor those into your decision.

Looking Ahead – The Future of EV Smart Charging

This situation with the Jaguar IPACE highlights the growing pains of a rapidly evolving industry. The good news is that it puts a spotlight on the importance of both secure technology and clear communication between car manufacturers and their customers.

We’re confident that Jaguar will work diligently to find a solution that satisfies both security needs and the desire of IPACE owners to reap the full benefits of their electric car. Until then, the workarounds outlined above will help bridge the gap.

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