Home News EV Fires: Are Electric Cars More Dangerous? Tusker Data Debunks the Myth
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EV Fires: Are Electric Cars More Dangerous? Tusker Data Debunks the Myth

by WattDriven
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Salary sacrifice leader, Tusker, reveals surprising insights on EV fire risk, busting common misconceptions with real-world fleet stats.

Unraveling the Truth About EV Fires: A Data-Driven Look

Let’s face it, electric vehicles (EVs) have been getting their share of bad press lately. From sensationalized news stories about fiery crashes to social media rumors, it seems like everyone’s worried about EVs spontaneously combusting. But is the fear justified, or is it just a lot of hot air?

Salary sacrifice giant, Tusker, delved into their massive fleet of over 30,000 EVs to put these myths to rest. After all, real-world data speaks volumes compared to wild speculation.

The Burning Question: Are EVs More Likely to Catch Fire?

It’s true that EV fires can pose complex challenges due to their powerful lithium-ion batteries. However, Tusker’s data paints an entirely different picture. Incredibly, not a single EV on their fleet has experienced a spontaneous battery-related fire.

Tusker’s managing director Kit Wisdom puts things in perspective: “Fires can happen to any vehicle, regardless of fuel type. Our data shows that, proportionally, EVs are significantly less likely to catch fire than petrol or diesel cars.”

This surprising finding isn’t just from one company’s experience. A comprehensive study by the Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency backs it up, concluding that EVs are a whopping 20 times less likely to catch fire than their fossil fuel counterparts. The numbers speak for themselves:

  • EV fires per 100,000 sold: 25
  • Gasoline/diesel fires per 100,000 sold: 1,530
  • Hybrid fires per 100,000 sold: 3,475

Beyond the Flames: Debunking More EV Myths

The EV fire myth isn’t the only misconception holding back EV adoption. Let’s tackle a few more head-on:

Myth: EVs leave you stranded with a dead battery

Sure, no one wants to be caught with an empty battery pack. But guess what? Tusker’s data shows their EV drivers run out of juice just as often as their petrol/diesel counterparts run out of fuel.

“[Running out of charge] is not a phenomenon we’re seeing in our fleet,” says Wisdom. And independent data from the AA supports this, showing a steep decline in EV breakdown callouts due to flat batteries.

Myth: EV drivers are ditching them in droves

Some headlines scream that EV drivers are flocking back to traditional cars. Not according to real-world experience. Tusker’s 2023 survey reveals a 91% satisfaction rate among their EV drivers, mirrored by Auto Trader’s findings. When their lease ends, a massive 92% of Tusker’s EV drivers choose another EV, with only a tiny percentage switching back to petrol or diesel.

Why Fleet Data Matters

While individual experiences are valuable, large-scale fleet data is where the real truth lies. Companies like Tusker track crucial metrics, revealing patterns that cut through the noise. It’s this data that has the potential to shift public perception and accelerate EV adoption.

Powering Change with Data

Tusker isn’t just hoarding this knowledge; they’re sharing it. Partnering with automotive expert Quentin Willson, they’re on a mission to educate consumers about the real-world benefits of EVs.

“Fleet data can be a powerful tool to change hearts and minds,” Willson emphasizes. “It’s time to clear up the misinformation and show people that EVs are not just the future, they’re an excellent option right now.”

Yes, EVs Can Be Right for You

Of course, it’s important to be realistic. EVs may not be the perfect fit for every single driver’s needs. Those who rack up massive mileage or have specialized vehicle requirements might find limitations. But for the vast majority of drivers? Tusker’s data demonstrates:

  • Lower maintenance costs: On average, EV servicing costs are significantly lower than for petrol and diesel vehicles.
  • Affordability: Salary sacrifice schemes can make switching to an EV surprisingly cost-effective, sometimes even cheaper than running a used petrol or diesel car.

Let’s Shift the Narrative

The fear-mongering around EV fires needs to stop. It’s time to let data and real-world experience guide the conversation. Will you join us in spreading the word about the true safety and benefits of electric vehicles?

Frequently Asked Questions

Are electric vehicles (EVs) more prone to catching fire than petrol or diesel cars?

No. Comprehensive real-world data from sources like Tusker and the Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency demonstrates that EVs are significantly less likely to catch fire compared to their fossil fuel counterparts.

I’m worried about running out of charge in an EV. Is this a common problem?

Not at all! Data shows that EV drivers experience running out of charge at a similar rate as petrol/diesel drivers running out of fuel. Breakdown services like the AA report declining numbers of EV callouts related to empty batteries.

Some reports say people are abandoning EVs and going back to traditional cars. Is that true?

The data tells a different story. Major fleet operators like Tusker report extremely high satisfaction rates among their EV drivers. The vast majority choose another electric car when their lease ends.

Are EVs more expensive to maintain than petrol or diesel cars?

Actually, the opposite is true. Fleet data indicates that EVs generally have significantly lower servicing costs compared to their traditional counterparts.

I’m not sure if an EV is right for me. Where can I find reliable information to help me decide?

Fleet operators like Tusker often share valuable data and insights on their websites. Reputable automotive resources like Auto Trader and government agencies can also provide objective information to support your decision.

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